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In 2007-2010, Kz Guitar Works tied up with Queen's guitarist Brian May to make exclusively the "Red Special" guitar. It was in 2015 they officially launched the new brand name Kz One. The Kz one is mainly based on the Red Special prototype, models include three types Semi Hollow, Solid, Junior. Pickups ore specially developed in-house "KGW" Single Coil, and "Kz Classic" based on the 50's Vintage Humbucker.
Kz Guitar Works 於2007-2010年間,專為Queen結他手Brian May官方製"Red Special"結他,及後於2015年正式以Kz One名義推出新品牌.
主要以Red Special原型為藍本,型號有Semi Hollow,Solid,Junior 三種類.
Pickup方面採用自家研發的特製"KGW"Single Coil, 另亦備有以50年代Vintage Humbucker為藍本製作的"Kz Classic".
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